Happy 2013! For the last two days, I've been reading as much internet information as I could find about simplifying my life as my one and only "resolution". As I "cleaned out" my apps on my iPhone, iPad and and laptop, I discovered that an old email address was still current and wrecking havoc on all my devices. So, I made the courageous, albeit, terrifying decision to delete the account. I was sad that all my blogs from previous posts would be hurled out there into cyberspace, but every year at this time, I begin to de-clutter and that address was clutter that just had to go. I could have gone to my posts and copied/pasted each blog, but that did not fit into my "simplifying" resolve, so they are out there somewhere in purgatory.
As I strive to purge my life of unnecessary, unimportant and uninteresting "things", and begin to fill it with time spent on things/people who bring love, laughter, adventure and purpose to my so often busybody life; I am realizing profound things. (Profound to me anyway.) In 48 days, I will be 53. 5. 3. In those 53 years, I've met many 50 and 60-somethings who spend so much of their time complaining about their health, their weight, their jobs, their kids, their spouse etc. etc. I can remember vowing in my 30's not to be "that person" who dissolves into a bitter, grumpy, impetuous, old woman who no one, if they are truly honest, wants to spend any time with. As I grumbled through my computer files this morning, I profoundly admitted that I am her. For years now, I've complained to anyone who would listen that I "just can't seem to lose weight." I've blamed my genetics, my hormones, my busy schedule, and even my family because, after all, I have to cook what they like in order to build those great memories of mealtimes. Well, this year, I'm purging my diet books, my conversation, and my mind of all things "diet" for the sake of my cluttered fat cells . In its place, I will determine my goals, my resolve and any results as successful in my mind and in my personal journal. If like, Thumper, I can't say something "nice", uplifting or positive, then, I will remain quiet and de-clutter the airways.
I have a new job, that I absolutely love, so at this point in time, there is no need to worry about the airways on that subject. My health is good in spite of the weight, with the exception of my crowded blood vessels. They seem to be strewn with a pesky element called cholesterol that is fortunately controlled by medication. My kids are quite simply fantastic, so no chronic ailments to ventilate here. As for the rest of my family, only my hairdresser knows for sure.
Speaking of my family, they usually dread this time of year, because I'm usually re-organizing the kitchen, cleaning out the laundry room, medicine cabinets and whatever else becomes fanciful in my mind. They are completely off the hook this year, because I'm spending all my energy on these devices that are suppose to make our lives "simpler", as well as my own hard drive.
With the donation of my blogs, the clearing of useless apps, and the deletion of an old address comes the promise of new blogs, apps that keep my life simple and a year full of future web addresses that lighten the load of many issues. The resolve I commit to for a happy 2013, is not to make a list of end of the year disappointments at the beginning of the year. One day at a time, I will list one gift at time of love, giggles, gasps and meaning. And if, at the end of the year, I've disposed of a few fat cells, be prepared for noisy airways.
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